Dark sun pathfinder pdf

Information on pathfinder race mechanics can be found here, but are subject to the modifications inherent to the dark sun campaign setting. Im currently in the process of converting my 4e dark sun game to pathfinder, and ive run across a pretty big snag monsters. Link is key worded for dark sun this is athas athas savage, primal landscape is the result of long centuries of ecological and magical abuses. Weapons constructed from inferior materials, such as a bone longsword or an axe with a head made from stone, suffer a 1 penalty to attack and damage rolls.

I also made a neutral version called open without the heat subsystem for folks who just want to play dark sun with pathfinder and psionics, but i kept the box for psionic or psilike powers on the first page. Kingmaker is the first partybased, singleplayer, isometric computer rpg set in the world of pathfinder, adapted from the fanfavorite kingmaker adventure path. At the time of writing, the file is corrupted and cannot be opened. Dark sun featured an innovative metaplot, influential art work, dark themes, and a genrebending take on traditional fantasy roleplaying. Authors the authors of the many novels and sourcebooks. These are races featured specifically for players aarakocra dray dragonborn 1 dwarf eladrin 1 elf genasi halfgiant goliath 2 halfelf halfling human mul pterran thrikreen tiefling 1 1. I can nitpick half a dozen things, but some of them are simple personal preference. The race was created by the magical experiments conducted during the first years of the age of the sorcererkings. Dark suns is a setting that is wildly different than traditional fantasy, great for adventures where the odds are not at all stacked towards heroes. Finally, theres wizards of the coast, whose free rpg day offering was a dark sun module of some description. Psionic artifacts of athas dark sun campaign setting pdf free. While playing the pathfinder rpg, the game master describes the events that occur in the game world, and the players take turns describing what their characters do in response to.

Yep, dark sun is coolheres the crazy way to kick it off. No law rules the blasted wastes of athas, except the laws carved. There are eight available races, including halfgiants and the exotic insectlike thrikreen alongside the more traditional ones. Every so often a building will have prisms, scattering the light into more colors than a traveler could imagine. The burnt world of athas dark sun campaign setting. Weve decided that athas would be a neat choice setting. They answer to their sorcerermonarch and their own sense of. It is a world where magic drains the very essence of life. Most muls have dark coppercolored skin and hairless bodies. The halfgiant appears in the original version of dark sun as a new character race. Dark sun 2nd edition had several odd rules, most which seem to have been forgotten. Sourcebooks rulebooks, adventures, and supplements for playing the game. A lot adapts oddly to pathfinder, but i enjoy everybodys take on so many different conversion threads. This is a land of blood and dust, where tribes of feral elves sweep out of the salt plains to plunder lonely caravans, mysterious singing winds call travelers to slow suffocation in the sea of silt, and selfish.

A templar dedicates himself to a particular sorcerer. Im allowing anything drawn from the following sources, since i own physical copies for ingame. Dark sun pathfinder campaign setting free ebook download as pdf file. Many of these rules are very simple in implementation, or only truly apply when creating characters. It not only has monster info, but info about the sorcererkings and their cities, and stats about them so your pcs can actually battle them. This is an a4 character sheet i designed for a pathfinder game in the old dark sun campaign setting. Yes, the psionics unleashed and its psionics expanded books are great additions to any player that wants to incorporate psionics into a pathfinder game, and the flavor is just right for dark sun, in my opinion. Ancient wars have left vast swaths of the planet sterile. Athas, the world of dark sun, was once as pleasant as any other.

Not because there arent any good sheets available online, but because i wanted a a sheet that incorporates psionics from dreamscarred press better than the official psionic sheet and b something that. I think im done by now, got rid of some errors and adjusted the layout slightly. Dark sun campaign setting psionics are allpervasive in athas, as almost every human, demihuman, and humanoid in the world is at least a wild talent. Pathfinder roleplaying game core reference document. Dark sun campaign setting expanded and revised edition 2e a decade has passed since the age of heroes began. Dark sun campaign setting expanded and revised edition 2e. Please refer to the main dark sun article for further information prism pentad troy denning the verdant passage october 1991, isbn 1560761210. Sources to find more material and information on dark sun. Dark sun 5e players guide, comprehensive im not a reddit native, but ive read enough good ideas, including many from reddit, and i wanted to share my work. Where other settings make arcane and divine magic the ubiquitous force and the source of fantastic elements, dark sun uses psionics. The third edition of the dark sun net handbook is finally out.

Until recently, they were ruled by powerful sorcererkings, both tyrants and protectors. Instead of the module, the online crowd gets to settle for the pregen characters. Dark sun campaign setting pdf version rpg item version. Dark sun pathfinder character sheet page 1 by antariuk. The dark archetypes consists of subclasses for each official class, along with magical items, spells and minions. This race first appears in the 4th edition version of dark sun. Ive started preparing for my planestravelling pathfinder campaign to visit. Summon the dead at your side, command devils and demons, leap through the shadows and become evil incarnate in this supplement for the worlds greatest roleplaying game. So im gonna run a pathfinder game for 6 players in the next few months after the current game ends. Dark sun boxed set 2e amid the barren wastelands of athas lie the scattered citystates, each in the grip of its own, tyrannical sorcererking. The crimson sun scorches the life from anything that crawls or flies, and storms of sand scour the foliage from the barren ground. Visitors will want protection from the exposure to so much light and heat. The character sheets on this page are not necessarily my own creation. Since some skills have be streamlined and condencsed for pathfinder, the classes page translates and lists changes where relevant for athasian characters.

Pathfinder character sheets for dark sun since my upcoming ds game will be played with pathfinder, i made some custom character sheets. Universal mul characteristics include angular, almost protrusive eye ridges, and ears that point sharply backwards against the temples. I use a seperate proficiency sheet with the skills and powers rules. Baas, is the twelfth of the looseleaf monstrous compendiums. That being said, it seems that theres this desire to create new classes for the different themes of dark sun. But, after many thousands of years, powerful mages found ways to gain power through draining the planets vitality. Developed by owlcat games and published by deep silver, pathfinder. The skill list assumes the so called magicpsionic transparency whenever applicable, both forces affect each other as if they were one and the same, and skills are therefore not separated, and i included a small box for wild psionic or psilike talents which some player characters might have. Like the kingmaker adventure path upon which the game is based, pathfinder. I cannot recommend it for new players due to the generally intense difficulty especially for good aligned characters, but for veterans who understand the mechanics and want something shying away.

The main sheet is two pages, with an optional third. The trove is the biggest open directory of rpg pdfs on the internet. This site is recognized by wotc as the official dark sun site on the internet. In 1990, the tsr higherups, worried about decreasing interest in dragonlance, decided they needed a major new campaign world. Theyre into the concept of a postapocalyptic wasteland with psionics in higher usage. Dark sun pathfinder conversion thursday, july 1, 2010. While different colors exist, the structures tend to mimic the sun and have a dark red coloring. It also provides everything dungeon masters need to run 4th edition dark sun campaigns or include dark sun elements in their homebrew campaigns. At their zenith, these wizards caused the sun to transform from a pleasant yellow glow to a raging crimson fireball on the horizon. Just got pf, love it, however i am missing my pdfs and it appears the site.

Specifically, athasexclusive monsters braxat, gaj, jhakars, etc. From handtohand combat in the mud pits of small forts to the grand games of the city. While i havent yet had the time to design my own pathfinder character sheet, neceros sheet is very close to what i would create. Hello everyone, i have been out of it for a couple years now. While this document is rather large, do not let it daunt you. Psionics are allpervasive in athas, as almost every human, demihuman, and humanoid in the world is at least a wild talent.

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